What is your legacy?
When your book has written its final chapter, how will it read? When your children reflect on your life, what will they say about you? When your eulogy is read out to those who come to pay their respects, what message will they hear? In the context of this game we call life, it’s what you leave behind after your epitaph is closed. The dash in between the dates from when you were born to when you die will be engraved in history and become but a memory.
You’re leaving a legacy whether you like it or not.
For me it’s not financial, not achievements or titles. It’s the character you’re remembered for, the example you set during your life, the principles and values you passed on to your family & friends and the perpetuity of that ripple which is remembered (or not) for generations to come.
These can be scary questions if we haven’t taken a moment to stop, to take a pause and find a moment to really think hard about the actions we are taking today in order to echo in years to come. We can get so caught up in the expectations of society to do what people have always done, build a career, climb the corporate ladder, maybe buy our first home, and forget about what really matters most in the long run. You are leaving a legacy whether you think about it or not. The question is, are you being intentional about the example you set? Or do you take life as it comes and hope for the best?
Over the past several years as I’ve grown in my marriage and developed as a father to our beautiful children, I’ve been continually challenged to reflect and review how I’m really living my life. I’m always asking myself the question, am I making decisions through my values or through the lens of others expectations? Have I got good people around me I can trust who can hold me accountable to those values I’ve identified for myself and ask me challenging questions to make sure I’m on track?
Who do you have in your life who can hold you accountable to what’s important to you?
What legacy are you going to leave?